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Current YouTube partners: 娘娘NadiaxHana, 大頭起司 Cheeseonhead and 巢哥ChaoGe.
== <big>稱號Titles</big> ==
常因為自己在影片中做了正確的反應而自稱「聰明伶俐巧克白」<br/>"The Intellect ChocoWhite" - Due to he often made correct decisions in videos, he self claims the title.(Translator: lol)
因解謎時常留意小細節而自詡「心細如針巧克白」<br/>"The Cautious ChocoWhite" - Due to he often cautious about small details in Puzzle maps, he self claims the title.(Translator: lol)
但也常走路不看路而被觀眾說是「不愛看路巧克白」<br/>But due to he always did not watch out in roads (um... mainly in Minecraft though lol) so his viewers gives him (The Clumsy ChocoWhite). (Translator: I didn't mean to say he's clumsy though lol)
因常主動招惹怪物而被大群怪物追殺而有「致命魅力巧克白」、「人見人愛巧克白」一說<br/>"The Charming ChocoWhite" - Due to he lures enemy mobs in Minecraft. (Translator: lol)
在CTM地圖[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLySymKvhMHgHeiLzr46NevL7KaVN0fOf5 大地復甦 || Terra Restore]中,因遲遲未被首殺而有「戰神」之名<br/>"The Immortal" - Due to he never get killed in "Terra Restore", a Minecraft map.
(註:首殺在第[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s_UXPqJEfA 三十集]:在虛空惡魔BOSS戰中,被殭屍殺死)<br/>But unfortunately he got killed by Zombies in the 30th episode os "Terra Restore" (Translator: NOOOOOO)
在CTM地圖[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLySymKvhMHgHeiLzr46NevL7KaVN0fOf5 大地復甦 || Terra Restore]中,常常被打得剩下一滴血自稱「半顆心戰士」<br/>"The 'Half-hearted' Warrior" - Due to he often left half a heart in "Terra Resote" map.
打僵屍時常掉落胡蘿蔔被稱「胡蘿蔔戰士」<br/>"The Carrot Warrior" - Due to he often obtain carrots from the zombies.
在空島生存[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJtRr64Y4nM&index=22&list=PLySymKvhMHgErD3BRPCopp0Y3vhpwg78E 《卓娜拉之嶼》的第十七集]中,打殭屍打到馬鈴薯,<br/>In the 17th episode of "The Islands of Junara", he obtain a potato from zombie.<br/>
而說自己也是「馬鈴薯戰士」<br/>So he also self claimed "The Potato Warrior".
在某次直播時被觀眾說是「萌肥宅」,同次直播中自行略去肥字<br/>In a live stream, his viewer called him a "The Chubby Cutie", at the same time ChocoWhite ignored the word "Chubby".<br/> 而使「萌宅戰神」成為最常稱呼的別名<br/>Thus "The Cute Warrior" is claimed.
在[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLySymKvhMHgFI4qDRHb56nRYVwchQE02T 邊界生存 4]中因常忘東忘西,
而被稱為「金魚腦巧克白」(本人不予承認)<br/>"The Memory Failure ChocoWhite" - Due to he often forget something in the Captive Minecraft map(However ChocoWhite himself does not approval this title though haha).
在[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7xqOaTGajk 【合作企劃】小精華 巧克白x巢哥#3 ]中被巢哥說念巧克白很饒舌,於是被稱為「博士」,還被巢哥叫出本名,O(消音~)博士<br/>"Professor" - In his Co-po minecraft video with Chaoge, Chaoge felt like his nickname is hard to pronounce, so Chaoge called him "Professor". And Chaoge accidentally called his real name(Was censored though). (Translator: lol)
== <big>直播 影片 趣事</big> ==

