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In the 31st episode of "Terra Restore",21:20, Jump into the clear Entrance for Failure guinea pigs, Almost fall into the Lava, so someone called him 'Failure ChocoWhite'
== <big>重製Video Remades</big> ==
In 15nd December 2015, <br/>上傳了一部公告影片 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmdleDmeLiA&list=PLySymKvhMHgH8eIgiWkeZftOVlZfH6E0D ||超級重要|| 原味生存 "重度施工" 內容及進度]<br/>He uploaded a video entitled [||超級重要|| 原味生存 "重度施工" 內容及進度] (Roughly translate to [||Important Notice|| Original Survival(Minecraft's Survival mode) "Remade" information & progession])
(此時1~40集影片已全部下架)<br />
At this moment, he removed episode one up to forty from this YouTube channel.
表示將會把在此之前的1~40集全部重制<br />
將40集的聲音全部重置(包括BGM 挖掘、放置方塊 包括BGM、 挖掘、放置方塊、 攻擊、被攻擊音效 以及原先較低沉的人聲)<br />He said that he will remade these videos, includes BGM, block digging, block placing, attacking, sound effect of getting attacked, and last but not the least: his original "less appealing " voices in the original video. (Translator: Saving the article here first in case I lost the data lol.)
由於是全部音軌消除 所有的聲音都要重新錄製<br />
在配音時更要呈現像原版的語氣<br />

