ChocoWhite (English Version)

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- English page will be updated as the Mandarin page updates. Have a nice day everyone ;) -
For Mandarin version of ChocoWhite page : 巧克白 ChocoWhite

ChocoWhite, better known by his online Mandarin alias 巧克白, is a Taiwan web-based video producer, best known for his Minecraft commentaries on YouTube.

Minecraft Skin

Chocowhite skin.png

About ChocoWhite

Introduces Minecraft Maps from locally and overseas.

Plays CTM (Complete the Monument), UHC (Ultra Hardcore Survival), Puzzle, Co-op Minecraft maps etc.

One of the YouTubers that allows viewers to leave a "First" post.(Translator: I am pretty sure is fun:D)

The origin of the nickname is because he likes chocolate and white color.

But due to "WhiteChoco"(白巧克)'s short form is "WC"(WC is derived from "Water Closet" known as flush toilet)),he chooses "ChocoWhite" (巧克白) instead.

Zodiac: Gemini.

Activities: Sports and Singing.

Favorite sport: Table Tennis.

Adopted a cat, 包包.

From Taichung, Taiwan.

Graduated from university.

Used to be a Nature Science lecturer for six to seven years.

According to ChocoWhite,
he is able to consume all foods in the table.

Afraid of bugs, spirits
and Minecraft 1.10 auto jump update.

Frequently used quotes: "Oh what!!~" (Translator: 居然 in Chinese basically means unexpectedly, to one's surprise, and go so far as.), "See~", "Isn't it!! x3","Ok~!!", "I'm so STRONG", "Don't come near to me, I'm savage!".

His viewers' favorite quote from him is "Oh what!!".

(Even though he wanted to stop mentioning "Oh what~!", he just can't stop it :D)

His viewers respect him due to his love and knowledge to Minecraft.

Strong in Redstone mechanism and builds.

For now it seems that there's a plan for him to create a Minecraft map.

He is pretty much curious on everything.

For his viewers, he is trying hard to find out video games'(Or Minecraft maps') hidden secrets and items.

He always suspect on the map creator that they hide secrets in weird locations (Even though there's nothing most of the time :D)

He is very hardworking in everything. So hardworking that he remade every video that he did not feel is well made enough, in his one of the early starting video series: (Minecraft麥塊 原味生存)(Known as Minecraft original(vanilla) survival without mods, cheat etc.).

His graphic artist: 娜荻雅 Nadia ❖ 娘娘

His Minecraft Skin artist: 墨小雨

Current YouTube partners: 娜荻雅 Nadia ❖ 娘娘,大頭起司 Cheeseonhead
and 巢哥 ChaoGe


The Intellect ChocoWhite - Due to he often made correct decisions in videos, he self claims the title.

The Cautious ChocoWhite - Due to he often cautious about small details in Puzzle maps, he self claims the title.

But due to he always did not watch out in roads. So his viewers gives him The Clumsy ChocoWhite title.

The Charming ChocoWhite - Due to he constantly lures enemy mobs in Minecraft.

The Immortal - Due to he never get killed in "Terra Restore", a Minecraft map.

(But unfortunately he got killed by Zombies in the 30th episode of "Terra Restore" DX.)

The 'Half-hearted' Warrior - Due to he often left half a heart in "Terra Restore" map.

The Carrot Warrior - Due to he often obtain carrots from the zombies.

In the 17th episode of "The Islands of Junara", he obtain a potato from zombie.So he also self claimed "The Potato Warrior" title.

In a live stream, his viewer called him a "The Chubby Cutie", at the same time ChocoWhite ignored the word "Chubby". Thus "The Cutie Warrior" is claimed.

The Memory Failure ChocoWhite - Due to he often forget something in the Captive Minecraft IV map.(However ChocoWhite himself does not approval this title that is XD).

Professor - In his Co-op minecraft video with Chaoge,
Chaoge felt like his nickname is hard to pronounce, so Chaoge called him "Professor". And Chaoge accidentally called his real name(Was censored though).

Fun Stories in Live Streams

1.During "Realms mine talk" live stream when his family member knocking his room door, he screamed "Don't call my real name while I am live streaming!".

This has become one of the memorable jokes to his viewers.

2.During the Captive Minecraft IV livestream,

he panicked because of a bug in his room. He tried to remove that scene from the live stream record

but he kept it instead.

3.His fans were freaked out when he called Chaoge "ChaoChao"

(That's how you call someone close normally like "Sweetie":o)

in Chaoge's video.

4.During the UHC competition, They were in different Teams. When Fanshing 繁星 who is in Chocowhite's Team attacks ChaoGe, ChocoWhite stop him. And then they alliance(They are not in the same Team but they did'd hurt each other),It Have't take place in UHC competition before. Finally ChocoWhite is the champion, and ChaoGe said he is the second place. Then there's a joke said they are 'since ancient times, The red and blue were couple.'(This is one of the Buzzwords in Chinese) (They are in Team Red and Group blueness).

Video Remakes

In 15nd December 2015, he uploaded a video entitled [∥超級重要∥ 原味生存 "重度施工" 內容及進度] (Roughly translate to [∥Important Notice∥ Original Survival(Minecraft's Survival mode) "Remake" information & progession]) At this moment, he removed episode one up to forty from this YouTube channel. He said that he will remade these videos, includes BGM, block digging, block placing, attacking, sound effect of getting attacked, and last but not the least: his original "less appealing " voices in the original video.

All the audios need to be re-included in order to replace the original audios of the videos. He even voiced over to the video like his feeling at the time. (Basically means he is like a voice actors for animes. :D) Because this project is huge, and it shows that how high his requirement is for his videos.

He uploaded newly made episode one to ten, many of his viewers (mainly the viewers who subscribed him since or even before he uploaded the episodes of the original videos) were surprised how the remade videos so as similar as the original videos. However in 10nd August 2016, in a Facebook post he mentioned in a reply to his fan that he wasn't satisfied with the remade videos for episode eleven until forty. So the project has been delayed again due to the second time remake of these videos.

He temporary stopped publishing video for other series, including live streaming until the end of summer break or the remaking is done.

Youtube Info

Main Channel ● Live Stream Channel ♪ Music
Registered Date 2013-10-6 2016-2-15 2016-3-2
Subscribers 221,532 28,491 5,624
Views 21,288,486 1,184,153 87,160
Total Videos 227 115 5

Updated on 2016/9/23 13:13

Twitch Info

Views 57,545
Followers 7,721

Updated on 2016/09/23 13:15



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