ChocoWhite (English Version)

於 2016年9月25日 (日) 11:14 由 AriessStu討論 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (A English For ChocoWhite, as requested by the original Mandarin page editer. :))
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About ChocoWhite

Introduces Minecraft Maps from locally and overseas.

Plays CTM (Complete the Monument), UHC (Ultra Hardcore Survival), Puzzle, Co-op Minecraft maps etc.

One of the YouTubers that allows viewers to leave a "First" post.(Translator: I am pretty sure is fun:D)

The origin of the nickname is because he likes chocolate and white color.

But due to "WhiteChoco"(白巧克)'s short form is "WC"(WC is derived from "Water Closet" known as flush toilet)),he chooses "ChocoWhite" (巧克白) instead.

Zodiac: Gemini.

Activities: Sports and Singing.

Favorite sport: Table Tennis.

Adopted a cat, 包包.

From Taichung, Taiwan.

Graduated from university.

Used to be a Nature Science lecturer for six to seven years.

According to ChocoWhite,
he is able to consume all foods in the table. Afraid of bugs, spirits
and Minecraft 1.10 auto jump update. Frequently used quotes: "Oh what!!~" (Translator: 居然 in Chinese basically means unexpectedly, to one's surprise, and go so far as.), "See~", "Isn't it!! x3","Ok~!!", "I'm so STRONG", "Don't come near to me, I'm savage!" . His viewers' favorite quote from him is "Oh what!!". (Even though he wanted to stop mentioning "Oh what~!", he just can't stop it :D) His viewers respect him due to his love and knowledge to Minecraft. Strong in Redstone mechanism and builds. For now it seems that there's a plan for him to create a Minecraft map. He is pretty much curious on everything. For his viewers, he is trying hard to find out video games'(Or Minecraft maps') hidden secrets and items. He always suspect on the map creator that they hide secrets in weird locations (Even though there's nothing most of the time :D) He is very hardworking in everything. So hardworking that he remade every video that he did not feel is well made enough, in his one of the early starting video series: (Minecraft麥塊 原味生存)(Known as Minecraft original(vanilla) survival without mods, cheat etc.)

His graphic artist: 娜荻雅 Nadia ❖ 娘娘
His Minecraft Skin artist: 墨小雨
Current YouTube partners: 娜荻雅 Nadia ❖ 娘娘,大頭起司 Cheeseonhead
and 巢哥 ChaoGe

♦ Titles

♦常因為自己在影片中做了正確的反應而自稱「聰明伶俐巧克白 ♦"The Intellect ChocoWhite" - Due to he often made correct decisions in videos, he self claims the title.
♢因解謎時常留意小細節而自詡「心細如針巧克白 ♢"The Cautious ChocoWhite" - Due to he often cautious about small details in Puzzle maps, he self claims the title.
♦但也常走路不看路而被觀眾說是「不愛看路巧克白 ♦But due to he always did not watch out in roads. So his viewers gives him "The Clumsy ChocoWhite" title.
♢常因招惹怪物而被大群怪物追殺而有「致命魅力巧克白」、「人見人愛巧克白」一說 ♢"The Charming ChocoWhite" - Due to he lures enemy mobs in Minecraft.
♦在CTM地圖大地復甦 || Terra Restore中,因遲遲未被首殺而有「戰神」之名
♦"The Immortal" - Due to he never get killed in "Terra Restore", a Minecraft map.
(But unfortunately he got killed by Zombies in the 30th episode of "Terra Restore".)
♢在CTM地圖大地復甦 || Terra Restore中,常常被打得剩下一滴血自稱「半顆心戰士 ♢"The 'Half-hearted' Warrior" - Due to he often left half a heart in "Terra Restore" map.
♦打僵屍時常掉落胡蘿蔔被稱「胡蘿蔔戰士 ♦"The Carrot Warrior" - Due to he often obtain carrots from the zombies.
♢在空島生存《卓娜拉之嶼》的第十七集中,打殭屍打到馬鈴薯,而說自己也是「馬鈴薯戰士 ♢In the 17th episode of "The Islands of Junara", he obtain a potato from zombie.So he also self claimed "The Potato Warrior".
♦In a live stream, his viewer called him a "The Chubby Cutie",
at the same time ChocoWhite ignored the word "Chubby".Thus "The Cutie Warrior" is claimed.
♢在邊界生存 4 中因常忘東忘西, 而被稱為「金魚腦巧克白」(本人不予承認) ♢"The Memory Failure ChocoWhite" - Due to he often forget something in the Captive Minecraft IV map.(However ChocoWhite himself does not approval this title though).
♦在【合作企劃】小精華 巧克白x巢哥#3 中被巢哥說念巧克白很饒舌,
♦"Professor" - In his Co-op minecraft video with Chaoge,
Chaoge felt like his nickname is hard to pronounce, so Chaoge called him "Professor". And Chaoge accidentally called his real name(Was censored though).

♦ Fun Stories in Live Streams


1.在2016/04/20直播【境界挖礦閒聊】記錄檔 3/5 14:25)時,因家人在房間外敲門,而霸氣大喊「我在開台!不准叫本名!」成為被觀眾開玩笑的一大名句。

1.During "Realms mine talk" live stream

when his family member knocking his room door,

he screamed "Don't call my real name while I am live streaming!".

This has become one of the memorable jokes to his viewers.

2.在2016/06/22直播【邊界生存4】寒極境界記錄檔 2/6 07:10) 時,出現了一隻蟲蟲,使巧克白驚慌失措。 並且嘗試著在記錄檔里把這個片段刪去,但最終依然保留,還被剪入精華。(各種求救啊XDD

2.During the Captive Minecraft IV livestream,

he panicked because of a bug in his room.

He tried to remove that scene from the live stream record

but he kept it instead.

3.在與巢哥合作的【合作企劃】小精華 巧克白x巢哥#1 海底遺蹟篇(0:05) 稱呼巢哥為「巢巢」~ 而受到廣大粉絲關注(就是腐女沒錯XD

3.His fans were freaked out when he called Chaoge "ChaoChao"

(That's how you call someone close normally like "Sweetie" etc :o)

in Chaoge's video.

4.於第8屆MCT UHC大賽,與巢哥不同隊伍。巧克白隊員繁星(星繁星)攻擊了巢哥,他立即說「不要打」。然後做出UHC首度創舉「同盟」。最後巧克白獲得冠軍,巢哥自稱亞軍。且與巢哥被戲稱「自古紅藍出CP」(分別為紅隊和青隊) 4.During the UHC competition, They were in different Teams. When Fanshing 繁星 who is in Chocowhite's Team attacks ChaoGe, ChocoWhite stop him. And then they alliance(They are not in the same Team but they did'd hurt each other),It Have't take place in UHC competition before. Finally ChocoWhite is the champion, and ChaoGe said he is the second place. Then there's a joke said they are 'since ancient times, The red and blue were couple.'(This is one of the Buzzwords in Chinese) (They are in Team Red and Group blueness)

♦ Video Remakes

在2015/12/15當天上傳了一部公告影片 ∥超級重要∥ 原味生存 "重度施工" 內容及進度。(此時1~40集影片已全部下架)表示將會把在此之前的1~40集全部重製,將40集的聲音全部重置!(包括BGM、 挖掘、放置方塊、攻擊、被攻擊音效,以及原先較低沉的人聲) In 15nd December 2015, he uploaded a video entitled [∥超級重要∥ 原味生存 "重度施工" 內容及進度] (Roughly translate to [∥Important Notice∥ Original Survival(Minecraft's Survival mode) "Remake" information & progession]) At this moment, he removed episode one up to forty from this YouTube channel. He said that he will remade these videos, includes BGM, block digging, block placing, attacking, sound effect of getting attacked, and last but not the least: his original "less appealing " voices in the original video.
All the audios need to be re-included in order to replace the original audios of the videos. He even voiced over to the video like his feeling at the time. (Basically means he is like a voice actors for animes. :D) Because this project is huge, and it shows that how high his requirement is for his videos.
在2015/12/15~2016/2/27之間將重製完成的1~10集影片上傳,讓許多觀眾都驚訝重製後呈現出與原先的相像,但在2016/08/10的一篇Facebook公告貼文下方留言提到,因在11~40集開始,使用的是新的BGM(非Minecraft原生音樂),巧克白重制過後認為這樣並非自己想要的【無添加原味Minecraft】因而再次重製,也使原本接近尾聲的重製工作再次回到原點。 He uploaded newly made episode one to ten, many of his viewers (mainly the viewers who subscribed him since or even before he uploaded the episodes of the original videos) were surprised how the remade videos so as similar as the original videos. However in 10nd August 2016, in a Facebook post he mentioned in a reply to his fan that he wasn't satisfied with the remade videos for episode eleven until forty. So the project has been delayed again due to the second time remake of these videos.
在2016的8月份暑假,爲了加快重製的進度,暫停所有除了原味生存外的全部系列(包括直播,但MCT依然繼續參加),直到暑假結束或重製完畢。 He temporary stopped publishing video for other series, including live streaming until the end of summer break or the remaking is done.

  • 在此宣導,請不要再去巧克白的任何一集影片下方留言「巧克白,13~40集生存呢?」「我等了很久了,原味生存呢?」等留言,不論是重制或新影片的錄製都是需要時間的,


(編者:巧克白之毅力 無人能擋啊\o∕



♦ Youtube Info

Main Channel ● Live Stream Channel ♪ Music
   主頻道    ● LIVE直播    ♪ 音樂   
Registered Date 註冊日期 2013-10-6 2016-2-15 2016-3-2
Subscribers 訂閱數 221,532 28,491 5,624
Views 觀看數 21,288,486 1,184,153 87,160
Total Videos 總影片數 227 115 5

截止至2016/9/23 13:13

♦ Twitch Info

Views 觀看數 57,545
Followers 追隨數 7,721

截止至2016/09/23 13:15

♦ Videos/Series

【   日 常   || Daily 】

【   生 存   || Survival 】

【   CTM   || Complete The Monument 】

【   UHC   || Ultra Hardcore 】

【   介 紹   || Introduction & tutorials 】

【   多 人   || Co-op 】

【  時代的眼淚  || Nostalgia  】

Note: 時代的眼淚 roughly translated to "Tears of Generation",
thus the word "Nostalgia" suits this series.
This series mainly plays older released game.

【   其 他   || Others 】

【   音 樂   || Music 】

♦ Links

【 巧克白相關連結 || ChocoWhite's Links】

【 合作相關連結  || ChocoWhite's Associated Links】